Algumas pessoas se levam anos para conhecer, algumas nos sugam até alma, outras nos inspiram as nuvens, algumas nos deixam voar longe, outras nos cercam como prisioneiros, algumas em poucas horas conhecemos, outras nos fazem felizes, às vezes as mesmas nos fazem tristes, mas é impossível deixar de acreditar...o amor é como onda, ás vezes esta mansinha, às vezes se aproxima rápido, às vezes ameaça mas não vêm, e às vezes nos derruba... até a alma...
Ana Kelci Wolfart
Some people, we take years to know, some suck in them until soul, others in inspire clouds, some to them leave in them to fly far, others surround in them as prisoners, some in few hours we know, others make in them happy, to the times the same ones make in them sad, but wave is impossible to leave to believe… the love is as, ace times this bellwether, to the times if it approaches fast, to the times threat but they do not come, and to the times it knocks down in them… until the soul…
Ana Kelci Wolfart
Ana Kelci Wolfart
Some people, we take years to know, some suck in them until soul, others in inspire clouds, some to them leave in them to fly far, others surround in them as prisoners, some in few hours we know, others make in them happy, to the times the same ones make in them sad, but wave is impossible to leave to believe… the love is as, ace times this bellwether, to the times if it approaches fast, to the times threat but they do not come, and to the times it knocks down in them… until the soul…
Ana Kelci Wolfart
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