Viajando Pelo Brasil

As Belezas e os encantos do Rio Grande do Sul

Rio Grande do Sul ( "Great River of the South") is the southernmost state in Brasil. In this state is located the southernmost city in the country, Chuí, on the border with Uruguay. In the region of Bento Gonçalves and Caxias do Sull, the largest wine producing center in Bra, the attraction is Italian and German gastronomy Besides the European influence, the gaúchos, or inhabitants of Rio Grande do Sul, cultivate the traditions of the Pampas — region of the border with Uruguay and Argentina — such as drinking mate (known as chimarrão drunk in special gourd cups), eating the typical barbecue, known as churrasco, and the traditional clothes are the bombachas
(baggy trousers), boots and large hats, although the majority of the population dresses non-traditionally.
Neve em Gramado-RS
Igreja da Pedra Gramado- RS

Lago Negro Gramado- RS

Natal Luz Gramado - RS

 Rota romântica na Serra Gaúcha-RS

Entrada da cidade de Gramado- RS

Localização do Rio Grande do Sul